Marking Time: 09.13.24 MeteorWrite Hits The Sea Ranch Lodge on Friday the 13t:

mark sanford gross
Sep 20, 2024By mark sanford gross

 Write Up the Coast launched its first MetorWrite on Friday, the 13th, 2024, at The Sea Ranch Lodge on the northern tip of Sonoma County, California, at 4 PM PST.

MeteorWrites are pop-up writing events at various locations, with some warnings but not much. Folks may come to the Meteorwrite landing while others might be on the premises doing other things. Each MeteorWrite has a specific theme.

Today's 'nudge' was "On Friday the 13th, what superstition, tradition, or coincidence comes to mind for you?"  With little time to think about another feature of MeterWrite arrivals, random folks were put on the spot to write or talk about this.

From spirits and ghosts along the roads of Hawaii shared by Rachel and the power of fate shared by the Sea Ranch bartender and always starting a new journey with your right foot from anonymous, this Meterowrite has thought-provoking expressions from all.

Our featured story was written by Steve Saroff, who came to participate in the art opening happening during this time at the Lodge.  After a quick hello, Steve asked what was going on.  He was told briefly. Given a pen and pad and the simple word, "Write!" MeteroWrites don't allow time to prepare.

Steve Saroff is a writer who lives on the Mendonoma coast and in Montana. He is the author of the novel, "Paper Targets." Steve's podcast, "Montana Voice," can be listened to here: Montana Voice

To listen to Steve read his original story from the Friday the 13th MeteorWrite  press the listen here prompt below the image

man in black t-shirt writing on white paper

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